Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Kerambit EDC

Karambit and EDC

By Guro Jeff Chung


On the internet, EDC are initials that have come to stand for Every Day Carry. Karambits are good choices for EDC due to its generally overall smaller size as compared to most fixed straight blades. Many individuals that might balk at the idea of carrying a straight fixed blade find that the ease of EDC with a Karambit is much more reasonable. The shape and size of the majority of Karambits available plus modern methods of sheathing options further enhance the ease of Karambit EDC.

The popular carry locations for Karambit EDC are usually, neck carry (via a cord and a secure kydex sheath), under the arm on either side of the body (via various shoulder harness setups), and inside the waistband of one's pants. The inside the waistband carry is the most comfortable and easiest set up to get used to wearing. When carrying inside the waistband, many users opt for the strong-side carry, and a few will choose the cross-draw position.

Kydex is a modern material, synthetic that is heat molded to retain the Karambit in a secure position. Kydex is generally light weight and allows for less material to be used in its formation, and that makes for an overall smaller package to contain. The problems with kydex are occasional points of pressure upon the wearer's body, and heat. In hotter climates and conditions the use of kydex may cause discomfort due to sweating and moisture, especially with neck carry. Personally, I prefer the use of leather, but find that the use of leather limits the EDC possibilities. On the plus side, leather tends to wear more comfortably, and is quieter than kydex.

Once a desired carry position is found, in conjunction with the choice of one's ideal sheathing material, there has to be practice directed towards accessing and drawing of one's Karambit from the sheathed and holstered position. With regular practice an indidual can learn how to quickly access and retrieve their Karambit in times of need reliably.

It is clear that as a choice for knife EDC, a Karambit seriously deserves consideration. Its smaller size, availability of sheathing materials, and options for access upon different locations upon one's person makes the Karambit user-friendly for EDC.


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